Abstract: This research aimed to describe the social exchange pattern by Reward and Punishment in Surakarta
City. This study was descriptive qualitative research, following quasi-experiment thinking logic,
conducted twice on two different wedding ceremonies. Informants were taken using purposive
sampling technique, chosen based on the shared domicile area, having intensive interaction in a
relatively long period, and experiencing two ceremonies periods. The domicile in Jebres Citizen
Association with intensive interaction in the 21 years (2000-2021). Data analysis was conducted
interactively in data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. Primary data was
collected using in-depth interview on 23 informants, consisting of 16 main informants (8 inviters and
8 invited persons) and 7 supporting informants. Triangulation was conducted through interviewing 7
informants. The unbalanced exchange showed that actors with higher economic position do not give
larger nominal contribution value to the lower one, but instead, the actor with lower position gives
relatively larger nominal contribution value proportionally to the higher actor. The exchanges
dimensions tend to be contractual, unbalanced and fragile. The sustainability of social exchange is
carried out by strengthening moral obligations. |