Abstract: In an information age like today, where all information from all corners of the world can be received
quickly, even in a matter of seconds, the ability to think critically is unquestionably required so that
we can filter all of the information we receive and decide whether we trust it. and then either accept or
reject the information. To find out and solve complex problems, a critical thinker will ask important
questions and formulate problems clearly and precisely, collect and assess relevant information, use
abstract ideas, think openly to recognize and assess, make assumptions about implications and practical
consequences, and be able to communicate effectively with others.
One of the issues confronting the world of education in Indonesia today is the inadequacy of the
learning process, which results in poor educational quality. This is because of the kids' critical thinking
abilities. The module is one type of learning resource. Modules are instructional resources that are
methodically produced based on a specific curriculum and packed in the smallest learning units to
allow them to be studied independently in specific units. The goal of this research was to create a
module based on local data.
Mangrove ecotourism wisdom Bancaran will conduct critical thinking exercises on ecosystem
materials for class X pupils that are both valid and effective based on the results of student response
questionnaires. This form of research is known as R&D with the ADDIE Branch Theoretical model.
Theoretical feasibility is evaluated in light of expert validation results. The gathered data were
examined using descriptive qualitative methods. With a score of 3.76 and a percentage of 94%, the
findings obtained are modules based on local wisdom of mangrove ecotourism as ecosystem material
to educate the critical thinking abilities of class X high school students, and the category is extremely
valid. The curriculum has the potential to be utilized to train students' critical thinking skills in
ecotourism ecosystem-based learning. |