Abstract: The Industrial Revolution 4.0 marked by the era of globalization has affected all people's lives
internationally including Indonesia. Currently, the big problem faced in the development of
educational progress in Indonesia is that it has not been balanced with the equitable quality of teacher
resources and digital-based instructional media. Especially these problems that often occur in Islamic
Religious Education teachers in Islamic boarding schools who occupy a strategic position in
determining the flow of progress of the times in accordance with the values of Islamic teachings. This
the study aims to explore the form of digital media for PAI learning and find teacher competencies in the
implementation of ICT-based PAI instructional media at the Nurul Haramain Narmada Islamic
Boarding School in Narmada West Lombok. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach with
data collection techniques from interviews, observation, and documentation. There are three activities
in qualitative data analysis, namely Data Condensation, Data Display and Drawing and Verifying
Conclusions. In this study, a researcher found forms of digital media for PAI at the Nurul Haramain
Narmada Islamic Boarding School in West Lombok, Based on the policies of the cottage leaders and
principals through several programs, namely the Tugu Sasak program, CBT (Computer Base Test)
program, CBC (Computer Base Classes) program, PBT (Paper Based Test) program, LAC (language
Advisory Council) program, HMC (Haramain Media Center) program, and IT department program of
students organization with several supporting facilities are computer laboratories, language
laboratories, multimedia classes, database centers, work programs of students organization, language
development centers, digital libraries, art creativity centers, and eco-theology of pesantren. The
competence of PAI teachers at the Nurul Haramain Narmada Islamic Boarding School West Lombok
in implementation of instructional media based on ICT is to have pedagogic competence, namely the
interaction between teachers and students well with relevant learning models and methods.