Authors: Edlyn Joy Espiritu, Emna Duque, Lilia Labatorio, Aldin Pantaleon, and Christoper F. Sasot |
Abstract: One of the challenges of the Department of Health on its herd immunity target during this COVID-19
pandemic is how to get the people vaccinated. The public is torn between getting vaccinated and not.
The public’s uncertainties are rooted in their confidence in the vaccine itself and the Department of
Health, which implements the vaccination program. In this study, the researchers explored how
Filipino netizens positioned the DOH in their COVID-19 vaccination programs. The researchers
analyzed netizens’ 137 comments on selected statements and announcements of DOH posted on their
official Facebook page. Using the positioning theory as a method of this study, dominant positions
were identified as disappointing, misleading, unreliable, inhumane, forceful, and bias. Likewise,
counter positions were classified as protector, responsive, permissive, and optimistic. Also, the
researchers explored the rights and duties ascribed to both the public and the DOH per position. By
determining how the Filipino netizens positioned the DOH on their vaccination program, the agency
could use these positions to improve their herd immunity by providing thorough information about the
vaccine and its implementation programs. Positions have shaped and identified DOH to elevate,
enhance, and innovate to handle and advocate public health policies and programs. |
Keywords: DOH, COVID-19 Vaccine, Positioning Theory, Netizens, Herd Immunity, social