Abstract: The traditional buildings of an area, including the construction of the Bantayo Podoide Gorontalo
traditional building, have their characteristics compared to other traditional buildings. This study
examined the construction of the Bantayo Podoide Gorontalo traditional building. This study aimed to
examine the construction of the Bantayo Podoide Gorontalo traditional building located in Gorontalo
Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach and hermeneutical
methods to examine the construction of the Bantayo Podoide Gorontalo traditional building. Data
collection was carried out by direct observation of the Bantayo Podiide Gorontalo traditional building
and interviews with informants as traditional leaders who understand the Bantayo Podoide Gorontalo
traditional building. The data were analyzed qualitatively by displaying, reducing the required data,
and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the construction of the Bantayo Podoide Gorntalo
traditional building followed the traditional philosophy and function of the Bantayo Podoide traditional
building as a meeting place for the King and traditional stakeholders of Gorontalo. The construction
of the traditional building is supported by 32 pillars supporting Bantayo Poboide Gorontalo, which is
divided into five parts, namely: (1) the outer or front porch, (2) the living room, (3) the living room,
(4) the interior room, and (5) the living room. The back includes the kitchen, bathroom, and other small
rooms. |