Abstract: The Covid-19 epidemic and its derivatives have had a major impact on many parts of social life,
including higher education, general education, and primary education. Institutions and universities
must sustain remote operations using digital technologies in order to swiftly adjust to the "new
normal," which is regarded one of the generally applicable alternatives. The adoption of Google Meet,
Zoom, and Microsoft Teams is extensively used in colleges and universities and is considered a
significant milestone in communication. Although the use of online methods is projected to have a
beneficial impact, there are still obstacles and hurdles in terms of infrastructure, acceptable new
regulations, content, digital content, supporting devices, supporting capabilities, and deployment
capabilities in digital environments. The study's aim is to discover the factors that influence the use of
Google Meet in the educational process and user satisfaction. The tool's validity and reliability were
examined using SPSS analysis for exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Factor-based testing using the
Varimax rotation, 39 items remained in the questionnaire. Based on the analysis 378 responses, there
are 5 factors affecting the use of the Google Meet tool, with the KMO index measuring the
appropriateness of the sampling being 0.967; Bartlett's test shows that the Chi-Square Sig index is
0.000 < 0.05. These findings are guidelines for teachers and educators in identifying the factors driving
the more effective use of Google Meet in schools.