Abstract: Research in Medan Perjuangan Sub-District is being conducted in order to assess the settlements'
current capacity for population growth. Medan Perjuangan sub-district has the greatest population
density in Medan, with 25,533 persons per square kilometer. In 2021, the District of Medan Perjuangan
will have a total population of 104,432 people, occupying an area calculated by ArcGIS to be 462.47
hectares. As the population in Medan Perjuangan Sub-District grows, so will the demand for housing.
While the land is fixed, it will encourage the development of new land uses. For data gathering, the
study relied on field observations and documentation. The data is analyzed using a quantitative and
geographical approach. There has been a shift in land use in Medan Perjuangan Sub-District, with 5.76
hectares of undeveloped land now serving as a function of communities and sites of activity, according
to the results of satellite image interpretation. As a result, there has been an increase in settlements and
centers of activity to 451.74 hectares, or 97.67 percent. The Medan Perjuangan Sub-District has a class
C land capability with medium development ability and class D with moderate development ability,
according to the results of the calculation of the land capability unit. According to settlement capacity
calculations, the Medan Perjuangan Sub-District cannot satisfy the needs of settlements with DDP 1
anymore. Those involved in the planning of future development in the Medan Perjuangan Sub-District
will find this study to be an important resource. |