Abstract: BRICS Talk is a panel discussion concerning the opportunities and challenges BRICS countries face,
referring to the interaction between five representatives from different BRICS countries and two hosts.
Employing UAM Corpus Tool, this paper aims at exploring engagement resources in BRICS Talk
2018. The results show that 1) similarities: each representative favors the employment of dialogic
expansion resources in expressing their own views and thus expanding dialogic space for others; the
five representatives attribute to acknowledge instead of distancing; I think is the most frequently used
and is the only entertaining resource that appears in five representatives’ panel discussion. 2)
Differences: the Indian representative uses the most expansive resources, followed by Chinese,
Brazilian and South African perspectives whereas Russian perspective employs the most contractive
resources. Moreover, the Russian, South African and Chinese perspectives employ more disclaimcontractive resources, while the Brazilian and Indian representatives turn out to be more proclaimoriented. 3) By employing different engagement resources, the Brazilian representative constructs a
rational and active identity; the Russian representative constructs a professional, helpful and friendly
identity; the Indian representative constructs a rational yet conservative identity; the Chinese
representative shows a rigorous and friendly identity; the South African representative construes an
optimistic and friendly identity.