Latest Issue
ISSN : 2581-5148


Alabiad, Rita and Katman, Filiz

Religious sectarianism is reflected in this paper in the formation of societal divisions. People's distinctions and the development of religious concepts are common in all cultures, whether in terms of race, religion, or color, and these disparities exist and will continue till the end of time. Religious sectarianism manifests itself in the formation of societal divisions. People's distinctions and the development of religious concepts are common in all cultures, whether in terms of race, religion, or color and these disparities exist and will continue till the end of time. Religious sectarianism as reflected in the state's unity and stability as positive state guidance, aiming to preserve the state's unity if there are rational ways and means to deal with and guide them, according to democratic principles that guarantee the protection of different religious communities, or as a dangerous negative path that leads to discrimination and conflict due to the state's inability to contain them, or as a dangerous the negative path that leads to discrimination and conflict due to the state's inability to contain them, or as. Lebanon is the best study of a sectarian society par excellence, having been the focus of attention of regional and international powers throughout history, an international war theatre with recurrent and various wars. Sectarianism is not a sign of weakness in the Lebanese political system because of the diversity of sects. This diversity existed prior to the establishment of the state. It has to do with sectarianism's psychological impact on the religious community, which is reflected in how individuals approach other groups or sects. And speculation about the goals and reasons of other groups' social and political activities, as well as the consequent conduct, can only be founded on aggression and rejection of the other, culminating in long-term instability for the latter. Sectarian states should develop a set of practical mechanisms within a civil state to increase the cohesion and integration of religious communities and create an atmosphere of coexistence and peace, rather than renouncing and following exclusionary policies that only lead to social ruin and disintegration. Following the foundation of their modern sovereign governments, religious sectarianism has been one of the most prominent drivers of political and social instability in these countries.

Lebanon, political stability, religious sectarianism, democracy, religion, politics, political instability, and religious sectarianism.


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