Latest Issue
ISSN : 2581-5148


Alran Rony Rinaldho, Erzi Agson Gani and Ade Bagdja

Design is a very important process in the creation of a product, included in a military platform design process. The role of a design and a product designer is very important to determine the right design according to the design requirements and objectives in the field. A product designer must consider various aspects including ergonomics, because ergonomics is a very important and dominant factor in a military platform design to reduce injuries to soldiers. This study examines the role of ergonomics in a military platform design, namely in soldiers’ backpacks. From the results of the research that has been done, it is found that the Indonesian military soldiers backpack is currently still not ergonomic because it still uses the Korean military standard size as a production place for the backpack used. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the backpack that meets the ergonomic aspects of Indonesian army. It was found that the configuration of the Indonesian soldier's backpack that should be used is a backpack that has the 5th percentile with 51 cm for the length of the backpack and 30 cm for backpack width as in the 5A configuration. Or can use the 95th percentile size with 57 cm for backpack length and 39 cm for backpack widths like those in configuration 3B. The maximum load a soldier can carry based on this research is 10% of body weight so that the soldier's posture remains normal and does not cause musculoskeletal injuries or musculoskeletal disorders.

Design, Military Platform Design, Ergonomics, Indonesian Soldiers Backpack


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