Abstract: The era of modernization marked by the emergence of technology has had its own impact on people's
lives, such as the existence of technology in the agricultural sector with the emergence of agricultural
machines. The agricultural machines that are present have made it easy for farmers, but for some
people, especially for farm workers, it has provided its own risk. Including the existence of a planting
machine in the village of Kedungharjo, it has given its own consequences for old female farm workers.
The consequence they feel is the risk of reducing human labor in agriculture. Therefore, old female
farm workers to overcome food insecurity, they try to do a strategy of dual income patterns with farm income, off-farm income, and non-farm income. Then from the risks felt by old female farm workers,
they reflect on the risks they experience, as a form of response to overcome the risks of agricultural
technology. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this study was
to determine the strategy of multiple livelihood patterns and reflexivity carried out by old female farm
workers from the risks of agricultural technology. |