Authors: AMINU, Hammed Popoola, Prof. YAHAYA, Lasiele Alabi, ADIGUN, Akeem Ayodeji,
AMINULLAHI, Salman Alawaye (Ph.D) and ADIO, Abdulgafar Alafara |
Abstract: Depression is unarguably a global burden which is characterized by persistent sadness, difficulties in
eating, sleeping and lack of concentration on a task among other feelings. Depression can be caused
by a number of factors that can be broadly categorized under biological, psychological and social
factors. This study, therefore, examined; "causes of depression among undergraduates of universities
in Kwara State". Descriptive design of a survey type was adopted for the study and multi-stage
sampling procedure which comprised purposive, proportional, stratified and simple random sampling
techniques were adopted to select a total number of 600 undergraduates from the two selected
universities in Kwara State. " Causes of Depression Questionnaire (CDQ)", was used to gather relevant
data for the study. Upon the analysis for reliability test, the instrument yielded 0.72 test-retest reliability
coefficient. Frequency counts and percentages were used to present the respondents' demographic data.
The null hypotheses formulated were analysed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at .05
level of significance. The findings of the study therefore, revealed that brain malfunction (brain
chemical imbalance), negative thinking patterns, heredity, sexual disorder and death of the loved ones
were the leading causes of depression among the undergraduates’ students of universities in Kwara
State. The hypotheses tested revealed no significant difference in the causes of depression among
undergraduates of universities in Kwara State on basis of gender, religious affiliation and level of their
study. Based on the findings, it was recommended that workshops and seminars, among other
enlightenment programmes, should be regularly organised by the concerned authorities for the
undergraduates’ students on depression and its management strategies. Counsellors should promptly
diagnose patients for depression and provide adequate intervention to help the depressed ones among
students. |