Abstract: One of the functions of government is public service, including services from the public hospitals to
the community. The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of policy implementation of
independency public service, medical care services, and leadership on quality of hospital services at
government hospital of grade A in Indonesia. An explanatory study by using survey approach was
applied in this study. study results show influence of the implementation of the Public Service Body
policy (BLU), medical care, and leadership partially and collectively towards the quality of hospital
services. Conclusively the three independent variables are showing a positive and significant influence,
partially as well as collectively towards the quality of hospital services. The quality of hospital services
is susceptible to the changes performed by the implementation of BLU policy, medical personnel
services and leadership. Referring to the value of coefficient beta, leadership variable is recorded as
the main factor at 0,460-unit, medical care as the supporting factor at 0,258 unit and implementation
of BLU policy as a strengthening factor at 0,180 unit. The carried research contains implications
towards technical aspect, social politic, managerial and economic, also leadership aspect. The
suggestion this research purposes; the implementation of BLU policy is seen as a new paradigm to
public services, it should be consistently maintained and widely socialized, meanwhile hospital is seen
as public services organization with intensive services, human resource, technology and capital. By
rights a medical professional should professes the compulsory managerial competence in leading a
public service hospital.