Abstract: In recent years, the tourism industry is extremely competitive. Tourist destinations must continue to
innovate to attract tourists currently dominated by young tourists who like to seek new knowledge and
experiences. Besides innovating, tourist destinations must pay attention to environmental
sustainability. One of the tourism concepts that prioritizes sustainability and provides new knowledge
and experiences is geotourism. Geotourism is a tourism concept that used geodiversity, biodiversity,
and cultural diversity as a tourist attraction that can also educate tourists where its management
prioritizes environmental sustainability. Tongging is one part of the UGG Geopark Caldera Toba,
which many young tourists currently visit. However, the application of geotourism in Tongging is still
minimal, especially the educational aspect. Therefore, this paper aims to develop the concept of
geotourism that can be applied to young tourists in Tongging based on the educational aspect. Elements
of education, promotion and interpretation, were analyzed using descriptive analysis using a mixed
method by conducting field observations, distributing questionnaires, and interviews. This study shows
that the use of social media in the promotion and innovative interpretation can increase the
development of geotourism for young tourists based on educational aspects, which are currently still
not optimal. |