Abstract: This study investigated the causes, effects and remedies for the above-mentioned problem in one public
and one private university. Case study and cross section survey were used, data were collected through
questionnaire and interview schedule from lecturers and students. Data were analyzed through
descriptive statistics quotes and narratives. The findings indicate that among the causes of students’
failure to attend class are personal conditions, peer influence, poor time management, indiscipline and
other excuses. The major effects include poor knowledge and skills leading to falling of final GPA,
limited social interaction, little understanding of concepts and unhealthy lecturer-students relationship.
Possible remedies suggested include proper orientation, strict university bylaws and policy
implementation, induction training to the lecturers on the teaching methodology and social skills
among others. The study concludes that there is need to strengthen the institutional mechanisms to
make students understand that attending classes is compulsory. |