Abstract: This study aims to determine the critical thinking ability in science 7th grade of junior high school in
Ngawi. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The sample of this research is
taken by stratified random sampling technique. The initial profile of critical thinking ability is analyzed
from 51 state junior high schools in Ngawi with sampling proportion 10% in each strata. The sample
which were used were 93 students from 3 schools which is include high categorized (SMPN 2 Ngawi),
medium categorized (SMPN 2 Karangjati, SMPN 3 Karangjati, SMPN 1 Pangkur) and low categorized
(SMPN 3 Ngawi). Technique of data collecting was written test in form of essay. The result of this
research from aspect critical thinking ability (Facione, 2015) was: interpretation was equal to 26,68%,
inference was equal to 21,79%, analysis was equal to 20,31%, explanation was equal to 28,10%,
evaluation was equal to 36,39% and self-regulation was equal to 36,79%. From those data, can be
concluded that all of the aspect critical thinking ability of students in 7th grade junior high school in
Ngawi needs to be improved. |