Authors: Dr. Hartono, SE, MM |
Abstract: This study aims at answering the questions on how the public awareness on disabilities employment,
why the implementation of people with disabilities employment in Jakarta still finds a lot of barriers
and how the government of Indonesia overcomes these problems in moving towards inclusive
society. This study employed a phenomenological approach to understand how participants
experienced the phenomenon. Semi structured interviews were conducted to a total of 10
participants consists of entrepreneurs, private industries, government institutions, employed and
unemployed people with disabilities to get their perspectives on what problems they face in
employment opportunity and what reactions have been shown by the industrial sectors and
entrepreneurs to include people with disabilities to develop their knowledge and skills in the
development of the country. The research proved that the public awareness on people with
disabilities employment still needs to enhance. Various campaigns and education programs should be
implemented to create open minded society. This study provides insights on the importance of
providing employment opportunity for people with disabilities, discusses the coercive actions taken
by the government and offers recommendations for future research. |
Keywords: Public awareness, People with Disabilities, employment opportunity, inclusive
society |
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37500/IJESSR.2020.30310 |
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