Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the condition of the apparel export competitiveness in
ASEAN and the factors that affect the competitiveness of apparel exports in ASEAN. This research
was conducted in the ASEAN region with 10 countries, namely Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam in the
period 2009-2018 so that this study had 100 observations. The data collection technique was done by
non-participant observation and the method used in this study was by non-participant observation.
The analysis technique used is panel data regression. Based on the results of the analysis it was found
that apparel commodities in Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and Indonesia have comparative
advantages in the world, while the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei
Darussalam have low comparative advantages. The exchange rate, inflation and lending rates
simultaneously have a significant effect on the competitiveness of apparel exports in ASEAN. The
exchange rate partially has a significant effect on the competitiveness of apparel exports. Inflation
partially has no significant effect on the competitiveness of apparel exports. Lending rates partially
have a significant effect on the competitiveness of apparel exports. The advice that can be obtained
from this research is that the government is expected to be able to maintain the stability of the
exchange rate and the inflation rate, as well as the role of the government and the central bank to be
able to maintain lending rates in low conditions.