Abstract: This research examined newspaper coverage of ethnic violence during the New Order and transition
eras in Indonesia. The regime controlled the press through the limitation of press license. It also
pressed the press through the prohibition of reporting of Suku (ethnic), Agama (religion), ras (race)
and Antar golongan (inter-group) (Sara) issues. If the press had to report these issues, they must
report them from the government point of view. This raised problems for the press in reporting
ethnic violence in Indonesia in relation to standards of 'fairness and balance' and the 'fourth estate'
role. This research adopted Cultural Studies approach of text. The approach identifies text in relation
to its contextual background. Data gathered from two national newspapers was analyzed using
textual analysis. Research finding shows that in terms of national press coverage of the 1999 ethnic
violence, the fall of the New Order regime and the rise of civil society had led to a freer press
signified by the change of reportage style, orientation, and perspective. The Indonesian press had
become more open and critical in reporting the issue. The press had oriented itself toward society
instead of the state and implemented a standard of 'fairness and balance'. As the result, the press was
able to play a role as the 'fourth estate'. |