Abstract: This study aims to analyze the needs of students of SMP Negeri 16 Surakarta on the application of
integrated thematic social studies learning. The research method used is descriptive analysis that is
by analyzing the needs of students using a questionnaire towards the implementation of integrated
thematic social studies learning. The results of a questionnaire based on the analysis of student needs
are 87.5% of student answers requiring the application of integrated thematic social studies learning
so that learning is more active and effective. Integrated thematic social science learning is essentially
a learning system that allows students both individually and in groups to actively seek, explore, and
discover concepts and principles holistically and authentically. In the thematic learning approach,
social studies learning programs are arranged from various branches of science in the social sciences
family. The development of thematic learning, in this case, can take a topic from a particular branch
of science, then be complemented, discussed, expanded, and deepened with other branches of
science. Thematic learning places more emphasis on the application of the concept of learning while
doing something (learning by doing). Therefore, it is necessary to package or design learning
experiences that will affect the meaningfulness of student learning. Learning experiences that show
the relationship of conceptual elements make the learning process more effective so that it can
improve students' critical thinking skills.