Abstract: This study aims to explore the analysis of the needs of developing electronic archival learning media
in office administration skills programs in vocational schools. This research uses qualitative methods
with descriptive qualitative analysis. Research subjects are informants who provide research data
through surveys and interviews. The informants in this study were all students of class X office
administration at SMK Negeri 2 Semarang and office administration teachers participating in MGMP
activities in Kendal city, Kudus district, Semarang city, Cilacap district, and Wonosari city. Based on
the survey's results of 108 students, a researcher found exciting findings. First, 70% of students had
difficulty understanding learning without simulation media. Second, 88% of students are interested
in the material. Third, 99% of students agree on media development. Fourth, 78% of students choose
a web platform as a development medium. Fifth, 74% of students want the media to cover the whole
material. Sixth, 81% of students want the media to contain simulation elements. Seventh, 89% of
students want the media to be accessed online. Last, 71% of students state that they have never seen
an electronic records management system in the real world. The results of interviews show the need
for the development of media that supports visualization and simulation. Media also needs using a
centralized database that can be accessed online to make it easier to monitor student activities and in
the evaluation process. Based on the findings, the researcher wants to develop electronic archival
learning media by the analysis of teacher and student needs in the future.