Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the needs of students of SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta on
Blended Learning models. The research method used is descriptive analysis by analyzing the needs
of students using a questionnaire to the Blended Learning model. The results of the study based on
the analysis of student need analysis was 92% of the students' answers requiring Blended Learning
models in learning Mechanics of materials, especially on the material to arrange parallel styles so
that learning became more active, effective and enjoyable. Edpuzzle's E-Learning based Blended
Learning requires learning not only to focus on class hours, but learning will continue to run outside
the classroom with website-based online media. The presence of e-learning in schools does not
necessarily leave the face-to-face approach that is already running, but e-learning is more calculated
as a complement to existing approaches so that a blended learning strategy is formed. The
combination of these two methods among educators has been able to accelerate the increase in
progress in applying the theory of learning, especially for students, where educators only require a
short time to teach, even more, functions as a facilitator in the learning process. Thus the Blended
Learning model based on E-Learning Edpuzzle can be one of the solutions in learning Mechanical
mechanics. |