Abstract: The purpose of Historical learning in digitalization era is not only to foster the spirit of students'
nationalism but also to develop the students' critical thinking skill. Here, the students not only
discuss about Historical issues but they are hoped to be able to reflect the values from the Historical
event. Nowadays Historical learning in the class still used conventional model. Therefore, an
innovative Historical learning model is needed to support the improvement of the students' critical
thinking skills. The purpose of this research was to develop a product from PIBL (Problem Inquiry
Based Learning) as a model that could be used to support the Historical learning at SMAN 4 Jember.
PBIL model were developed through the collaboration of PBL (Problem Based Learning) model and
IBL (Inquiry Based Learning) model. Research method used in this research was Research and
Development. The effectiveness of model to improve the students' critical thinking skill was tested
by using test instrument. Model and test were validated through experts' validation and revision
process. The effectiveness of model's implementation could be seen from the differences between
the experimental group who was applying PIBL model and the control group who was not applying
PBIL model tests result. The result proved that PIBL model was quite effective to improve the
critical thinking of High School Students. |