Abstract: The Maluku community defines Pela as a model of friendship, fraternity, or communion system
developed among all indigenous people from two or more villages. The achievement of
reconciliation must not stop, but must increase to the stage of Peace Education. Peace education
based on the local wisdom of Pela Gandong was implemented in Junior High School 9 Ambon and
Junior High School 4 Salahatu Liang in the Central District of Maluku in the form of Panas Pela
education activities. This is different from other peace education models developed by the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). This aims to further strengthen the brotherhood relationship
among the students between the two schools with a background in the majority of Islamic and
Christian backgrounds. The relationship between the two schools was built several years ago by
carrying out a number of joint activities including, sports and arts week competitions, Scouts,
breaking fast together, Christmas together, Student Council and teacher exchanges. |