Abstract: This paper aims to examine the existing character education system in the pencak silat organization
of Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) because it is one of the martial art organizations in
Indonesia which has aspects of character education in its education process. The character education
system aims to educate human beings with good character, know right from wrong, believe in God
the Almighty and always Memayu Hayuning Bawana. This research uses a qualitative approach with
data sources in the form of archives, books, journals, reports on research results, and seminar results
relating to character education and PSHT. The results show that there are two forms of character
education process carried out in pencak silat PSHT, namely (1) Pencak Silat Education and (2)
Spiritual Education (Educating Virtuous People). The educational methods in pencak silat PSHT
include (1) Democratic method, (2) Joint Search method, (3) Active Student method, and (4)
Exemplary method. |