Abstract: Dyslipidemia is a condition in which a component lipid profile increases or decreases from normal
limit in the blood. Lipid profile is an indicator to determine the occurrence of Dyslipidemia, one of
the risk factor for cardiovascular disease is Dyslipidemia. The prevention can be with a low-calorie
diet and followed by consuming soy flour which is rich in Isoflavones and Lechitins. Determine the
effect of soybean flour on the improvement of lipid profile (HDL and LDL) wistar strain white rats
that have Dyslipidemia. This study was conducted experimentally, with Pre-test and Post-test
Control Group Design. This study was conducted for 38 days. The sample of this study was 24
wistar male-female white rats, aged 12-16 weeks and having a weight of + 200 grams that
experienced Dyslipidemia which was divided into 4 groups, the control group only received high-fat
feed only while the treatment group was given high-fat feed, and soy flour with doses of 0.3 mg, 0.6
mg and 0.9 mg each per administration three times a day starting from 23-37 days. A high-fat diet is
given starting on days 8-22. The treatment effect test uses One Way Anova, followed by LSD (Least
Significant Difference test) and t-paired test. The results of the t-paired test showed a significant
decrease in LDL levels (p = 0.012) and there was a significant increase in HDL levels (p = 0.037)
after the administration of soy flour in the group that received a dose of 0.9 mg / dl / times (p =
0.012) and while in other doses there is no significant decrease in LDL and increase in HDL. OneWay ANOVA test between treatment groups showed significant differences in LDL cholesterol
levels (p = 0.001) and HDL (p = 0.001), for the Least Significant Difference test only the treatment
group with a dose of 0.9mg / dl / times indicating significant differences with other groups (p =
0,000) (p = (0,006) (p = 0,024). It was concluded that the administration of soy flour can reduce LDL
cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels in high-fat diet-induced rats at a dose of 0.9
mg / dl / times 3 times a day. |