Authors: Dani Bina M. S,Sos
., Dr. Bagus Haryono, S.Sos.,M.Si
, Dr. Ahmad Zuber, S.Sos.,D.E.A |
Abstract: Disasters are events that threaten and disrupt human life, and cause great losses to both the maternal
and non-material. Disaster management is aimed at efforts to reduce disaster risk and create
communities that are resilient. The purpose of this study is to examine sociologically the form of
resilience (resilience) of the community to floods, assess holistically through evaluation and find
harmony with sustainable development. The theory used is Adger's vulnerability and Rogers's
Innovation Diffusion. The research method is qualitatively. Data collection techniques are through
observation and interviews, and documented. The research location is in Sangkrah Village,
Semanggi Village and Sewu Village. The results of this study indicate that sustainable disaster risk
reduction efforts are carried out with a mechanism to increase community capacity to form a resilient
community system of disasters. Based on the CIPP evaluation framework, the CFR program fulfills
most of the required aspects which include the context, input, process and product, so that the
program can run well in the community. The formation of SIBAT (Community Based Disaster Alert)
was studied using Rogers' theory (Innovation Diffusion) about communication channels, where
SIBAT was in a heterophily and homophily position, meaning SIBAT represented the condition of
the community as well as agents for the CFR. Vertiminaponic formation as an effort to create
economic resilience. Making biopores as clean water reserves, installation of infiltration wells to
reduce water logging during floods is a form of environmental resilience. The establishment of
SIBAT (Community Based Disaster Preparedness) as the main agent for implementing the CFR
program which has a role to coordinate the implementation of programs which are integrated with
EWS technology (Early Warning System) and institutions in the community as social security. The
pattern of community resilience reflects the ability of a system to reduce vulnerability and increase
capacity, according to the Sendai Framework indicator. The whole program embodies sustainable
development, namely where the conditions of balance and resilience of the ecosystem are met and
(natural capital stock) do not diminish over time (non-declining) |