Abstract: This research aimed to find out the role of traditional leaders (pemukaadat) in Canggu Village,
Kalianda, Lampung Selatan (South Lampung) in the attempt of preserving Sebambangan tradition.
This study was a qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Data type and source used in
this research included primary data obtained from the result of interview with 5 informants.
Secondary data was obtained from journals, articles, and books relevant to this study. Techniques of
collecting data used were non-participatory observation, interview, and documentation. The result of
research showed that traditional leaders play a very important part in preserving culture, particularly
Sebambangan tradition existing in Canggu Village, Kalianda, Lampung Selatan. Sebambangan is
still preserved in Canggu Village and recognized for its existence as one of local wisdom of
Lampung ethnic community. Functional structural theory views social institution as the component
of social system. Each of institutions is designed to undertake its function. In this case, traditional
leaders serve as a media or agent to maintain social stability in the form of culture (Sebambangan
tradition) in Canggu Village. |