Abstract: UNS hospital has a highly demanding task, therefore, a good management strategy is required to
manage UNS hospital in order to confronting an intense competition inter-hospital. There has been
growing a negative paradigm in the society regarding a government hospital service system rather
than a private one. A government and regional hospitals (in context of the competition with private
hospital) are only in demand by the communities of poverty who has no option. There is no
competitive position to get an upper middle class patient. It is occurred because there is such an
obstacles from a government hospital that affects a whole hospital s performance. The purpose of
research is to know about the public service performance of Sebelas Maret University (UNS)
hospital, Sukoharjo. Methods of research use qualitative descriptive approach. The technique of
collecting data uses interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity uses source and
method triangulation. Data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis. A research result has
conclude that the performance of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) hospital which has measured by
productivity indicator, quality of service, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability has been
decent, this can be seen from the official services of giving transparent service that can be found in
the principle of public service is that the principle of openness. In this case, the openness of cost,
time, procedure, data, and information.