Abstract: The research aims to capture the existing conditions of history subject learning in Tembilahan High
School (SMA Negeri 1 Tembilahan), in Indragiri Hilir Regency - Riau Province, Indonesia. The
research results indicate that the history instructional materials currently used in Tembilahan High
School have not been effective to meet the teaching and learning needs of teacher and students. It
found that history instructional materials are having the weakness such as: 1) its inability to associate
and accommodate the local history of student's society; 2) its accessibility, because the whole textbook are provided by the school, so the students only used it during teaching and learning activities
or read it in the library; 3) its availability, because there is just one book title that explains the local
history of students' society. The lack of history local history of Indragiri Hilir society has led
difficulty to integrate the local history on the teaching and learning activities. Recommendation of
the research is a development of instructional material products related to the economic history of
Indragiri Hilir's coconut commodity. |