Abstract: The lack of public knowledge of HIV/AIDS cases will cause the People Living With HIV/ AIDS
(PLWHA) often get negative stigma and discrimination. It became one of the causes of PLWHA do
not dare open their status to couples, families or society. This research aims to determine the
underlying rationality of HIV-positive housewives to open their status. This case study was
conducted in Surakarta for two months from January-February 2018. The results showed that
instrumental rationality of housewives opened HIV status is to get social support from couple,
family, society or the government. HIV-positive housewives will get support and motivation
including assisting so that the psychological burden is not so heavy. This means that by opening the
HIV status then the purpose of having a better life will be more easily achieved. While the rationality
of value that support HIV-positive housewives opening their status is based value of honesty despite
getting family rejection. Human values to support each PLWHA other also underlies housewives to
open status. The solidarity that has been established with Peer Support Group (PSG) will help
PLWHA to be able to rise from adversity and lead a life of positive activities.