Abstract: The Learner Autonomy Profile (LAP) is a battery of five instruments: the Inventory of Learner
Desire (ILD), the Inventory of Learner Resourcefulness (ILR), the Inventory of Learner Initiative
(ILI), the Inventory of Learner Persistence (ILP), and the Appraisal of Learner Autonomy (ALA).
For over 15 years, the LAP (licensed to Human Resource Development Enterprises; HRDE) has
been used in research on learner autonomy as well as the efforts of HRDE-certified coaches to
facilitate the strengthening of learner autonomy in clients. To date, over 2,000 individuals have taken
this battery around the world thereby producing multiple nonprobability samples. In 2017, Ponton
presented normative descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation for the ALAusing a
previously unpublished estimation technique on a nonprobability sample (N = 817) arguably
representing nontraditional adults (aged 25-64) in the United States with at least a high school
education. The purpose of this article is to extend this previous analysis and provide estimates for the
normative descriptive statistics associated with the ILD, ILR, ILI, and ILP thereby completing the
LAP battery |